A Little History of Economics (Little Histories)

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A Little History of Economics (Little Histories)

A Little History of Economics (Little Histories)

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Aristo (İÖ 384-322): İhtiyaç ötesine geçen ticaret doğal olmayan bir şeydir. Servetten kaynaklanan karekter, varsıl ve aptal karekterdir. Erdemlilik, zeki bankerlerde değil dürüst çiftçilerdedir. What causes poverty? Are economic crises inevitable under capitalism? Is government intervention in an economy a helpful approach or a disastrous idea? The answers to such basic economic questions matter to everyone, yet the unfamiliar jargon and math of economics can seem daunting. This clear, accessible, and even humorous book is ideal for young readers new to economics and for all readers who seek a better understanding of the full sweep of economic history and ideas. You might think you know what economics is about. Input-output, supply and demand, etcetera, etcetera. In a way, you’d be right. The word economics comes from the ancient Greek – oikos for house, and nomos for law. For the Greeks, economics was about managing households. Saint Simon (1760-1825): Soylular ve prenslerin yerine yeteneklilerin yönettiği, insanların beyaz pantolon -sevgi-, kırmızı gömlek -emek-, mavi ceket -inanç- ve de yardımla giyilebilen yelek -insana bağımlılık- kullandığı bir model köy kurmak ister, başarısız olur. But money also opens dangerous doors. If an olive farmer, say, realizes that he can make money from selling olives, he might begin to grow them purely for profit, rather than only growing enough to support his family. Aristotle called this commerce, and he found it wholly unnatural. Even worse were those who used money to make more money – the moneylenders, who lent money to people for a price. We now call this interest.

La economía está en todas partes! O esto es lo que he aprendido después de leer esta maravillosa síntesis. A deft, highly readable history of economics, full of humanity. You'll learn a lot— I did."—Tim Harford, author of Messyand The Undercover Economist David Ricardo (1772-1823): Toprak sahibinin çıkarı diğer sınıflar ile terstir. Toprak sahibi aslan payı alır. 1819 da tahıl yasaları protestosu ve Paterloo Katliamı sonrası, Ricardo; “tahıl yasaları, kiraları şişirir, işçileri fakirleştirir, oysa buğday ithali ile işçiler daha kolay doyar, kapitalistlerin karı artar” der. Britanya demir işinde, Rusya ise buğday üretiminde “karşılaştırmalı avantaja” sahiptir. Ülkeler görece ucuz üretebildikleri malların üretiminde uzmanlaşmalıdır.

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The key message here is: The first question for early economists was the role of money and merchants. Although I think this book might have been improved, I still give it high marks. After all, the author of a short book is forced to make choices that not everyone will favor. And Kishtainy’s choices could be defended. The purpose is to give a brief, historical perspective to readers who are laypersons in the subject of economics. Kishtainy has written a book that should hold the interest of his audience and leave them the better for having read it. Hopefully, this book will encourage some to read at greater depth. Highly readable. . . . A whistle-stop introduction to the great works and thinkers of each age, this is a clear and accessible primer.”—Laura Garmeson, Financial Times What causes poverty? Are economic crises inevitable under capitalism? Is government intervention in an economy a helpful approach or a disastrous idea? The answers to such basic economic questions matter to everyone, yet the unfamiliar jargon and math of economics can seem daunting. This clear, accessible, and even humorous book is ideal for young readers new to economics and for all readers who seek a better understanding of the full sweep of economic history and ideas. Economic historian Niall Kishtainy organizes short, chronological chapters that center on big ideas and events. He recounts the contributions of key thinkers including Adam Smith, David Ricardo, Karl Marx, John Maynard Keynes, and others, while examining topics ranging from the invention of money and the rise of agrarianism to the Great Depression, entrepreneurship, environmental destruction, inequality, and behavioral economics. The result is a uniquely enjoyable volume that succeeds in illuminating the economic ideas and forces that shape our world

why the renegotiated relationship between the Soviet government and economy led to the death of millions; and Platon (İÖ 428-347): Toplum; bronz ruhlu köleler, gümüş ruhlu savaşçılar, altın ruhlu yönetici filozof krallardan oluşur. Servet sahibi olmak kuşkuyla karşılanır. Vladimir İlyich Lenin (1870-1924: “Tekelci Kapitalizm” (büyük bankalar dev korporasyonları finanse eder, büyük firma tekelleri piyasayı kontrol eder). Emperyalist savaş bir iç savaşa çevrilmelidir. En realidad, y a diferencia de otras ciencias, te cruzas con ideas económicas en acción todo el tiempo, teorías, modelos, ideologías: en el mercado cuando usas billetes y monedas para obtener un producto; en el artículo del periódico dónde lees sobre las últimas decisiones del gobierno acerca de la recaudación de impuestos, impuestos que realmente pagas; cuando experimentas los cambios aparentemente impredecibles de los patrones de tiempo atmosférico y que son ahora lo que décadas de decisiones económicas han creado; cuando pagas una hamburguesa que te trae un domiciliario y usas una tarjeta de crédito y canales electrónicos para realizar el intercambio.Es por todo esto que hay que saber más de economía, y este libro puede ser un buen punto de partida. The first two of these elements are standard in textbooks (i.e., scarcity, positive/normative); and they are stated here in an unexceptional way. The third element (capitalist/non-capitalist economies) reflects Kishtainy’s selection of topics, apparently with an eye to giving pre-capitalist and non-capitalist thought its due. The fourth element (critical eyes) is good advice for readers of economics. (Economists, however, tend to have critical eyes only for the work of other economists.) Thomas Maltus (1766-1834): Daha fazla insan daha fazla yoksulluk demektir. (Merkantilistler; nüfus artışı iyidir der, ütopyacılar ise; insanlar yoksulluğa mahkum değildir der.) Malthus���un babası ütopyacılara hayrandır. Fransız devrimi liderlerinden Marquis de Condorcet de daha iyi bir topluma inanır ve “insanlık mükemmellik yolunda yürümektedir, uygarlık kalkınmanın 9 aşamasını geçmiş, eşitliğin sağlanacağı onuncu ve son aşamaya gelmiştir” der. Malthus’a göre nüfus her kuşakta ikiye katlanacaktır, artan nüfusun hızına asla yetişilemeyecektir. Nüfus yiyecek arzını silip süpürecektir. “Yoksullara yardım, tembelliği ödüllendirir, yeni toprak kazanmak gibidir ve nüfus patlamasına yol açar” der. İnsanları evlenmeyi ertelemeye teşvik eder. Marx, Malthus’un bu düşüncelerini insanlığa hakaret olarak değerlendirir. La Economía es también la única ciencia social que se vale de leyes generales y de sofisticados modelos matemáticos para describir la compleja red de relaciones alrededor de la escasez y del "capital" que se tejen en las sociedades humanas. Pero esto no la hace similar a la física, como muchas personas creemos, o peor, como muchos economistas están convencidos que pasa.

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  • EAN: 764486781913
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