Kenco Millicano Intense Instant Coffee 95g (Pack of 6 Tins, Total 570g)

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Kenco Millicano Intense Instant Coffee 95g (Pack of 6 Tins, Total 570g)

Kenco Millicano Intense Instant Coffee 95g (Pack of 6 Tins, Total 570g)

RRP: £99
Price: £9.9
£9.9 FREE Shipping

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This brand is said to be a careful blend of Arabica and Robusta coffee beans. The flavour of this coffee is quite pleasant, but it may not be quite strong enough for some of the hardcore coffee lovers.

As part of JDE Peet’s, Kenco helps deliver our Common Grounds programme with the ambition to positively impact people, our planet, and the future of coffee and tea. Common Grounds focuses on 3 main pillars; Responsible Sourcing, Minimising Footprint and Connected People. Kenco Duo is coffee-shop inspired drinks that the brand measured and layered using only two quality ingredients. You only need to bring them together, pour the rich espresso into the milky froth, and watch as it swirls into your deliciously frothy and creamy coffee. Spray-dried coffee: This is a cheap method of turning brewed coffee into instant coffee granules. The spray-drying process is highly economical but results in much of the coffee’s flavour being lost, meaning there’s no point in using high-end coffee beans. Spray-dried coffee can be identified by its dark brown colour and small, rounded particles. Peel the second lid, keep the pot on the table, and add hot water up to the ridge to make the espresso. In response to minimising footprint, watch this space as we have some exciting innovations to come!Kenco Decaf. Made with the finest quality beans, expertly roasted for a balanced, pleasurable experience. Barista verdict: Normally I wouldn’t go for a supermarket’s ‘own brand’ of coffee but firstly, I didn’t buy it and secondly it was all that was in the house at the time. However, I have recently tried it and it makes quite a decent cup of coffee. All the major coffee brands have been competing to produce the best-tasting, most cost-efficient products in a bid to keep their caffeine-fiending customers happy – and some amazing instant coffees have emerged as a result. You also have smaller, independent companies rising up on the instant coffee scene, introducing bold, unusual flavours and whole new ways to enjoy your rapidly made cuppa.

Kenco’s aluminum capsule is specifically designed to be used with Nespresso Original coffee machines. However, it is will not work with Umilk, Expert, Expert & Milk, Prodigio, and Prodigio & Milk models bought after July 2016. READ NEXT: The best craft beers made in the UK The best instant coffee to buy in 2023 1. Kenco Smooth Instant: The best standard instant coffee


The great thing about the Nescafe Azera collection is how finely ground the coffee comes, it doesn’t have the same appearance as traditional instant coffee. Instead, it has a premium finish and allows you to get that beautiful barista-like crema when you make your coffee. Aside from these, Kenco also has flavoured coffees that include mocha, cappuccino, flat white, latte, and more. The americano and the intenso are the most popular of the Azera collection. A blend of Robusta and Arabica coffee beans gives the Azera collection a strong aroma and is rich in taste while minimising the bitterness that can come with instant coffee.

Barista verdict: Personally, I find the best instant coffee taste comes from the Nescafe Azera intenso tin of coffee. Of course, the name itself suggests that it is a more ‘intense’ flavour of coffee, which could be seen as a positive or a negative depending on how strong you like your coffee. I do find that it is strong in taste, but it is a little smoother and creamier than the Nescafe Azera americano. For me, the americano is more bitter and has a darker flavour. 1 to 2 teaspoons of this coffee are perfect for me. Kenco instant coffee is rich in taste and has a full-flavored aroma with an accurate blend of ingredients. They offer a massive range that can satisfy the coffee lover in you. Kenco Millicano Americano Intense. It has a deep and complex aroma, for a full-bodied coffee experience, in an instant.When most people think of instant coffee, they probably picture the dark brown crumbs inside a Nescafe Original jar, but instant coffee is actually available in a variety of forms. Here are the main kinds to look out for. Kenco 100% Colombian. This balanced medium roast is made with 100% single origin Colombian beans. It features subtle floral aromas and a fruity top note.

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