The Christmasaurus and the Naughty List

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The Christmasaurus and the Naughty List

The Christmasaurus and the Naughty List

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J'ai adoré découvrir tous ces enfants qui n'ont pas été sages et voir qu'il n'existe pas de "tout bon" ou "tout mauvais". On nous montre l'importance d'avoir l'opportunité de se rattraper et d'avoir une seconde chance. La morale était vraiment chouette. The Christmasaurus believed that he was different from everybody and everything else in the world. How are you similar / different to others? Why is it good to be different? This is a collection of stories about mischievous kids learning the error of their ways, but it’s also about sharing the true spirit of Christmas and realising that sometimes, things aren’t quite as they first appear…

Studiind Lista Obraznicilor, Moșul si Crăciunozaurul îl descoperă printre șirul de nume și pe William Trundle, da, da ați citit bine, exact ACEL William. And of all the different kinds of beliefs there are, the belief of a child is by far the most unbelievably unstoppable.’ What are your beliefs? How have these changed over time? This book is great for younger readers, and I know that's the target audience but seeing as I loved the first one and enjoyed the second, I felt disappointed by this third book. The lessons for kids in this book are amazing! 2 of my favourite quotes from the book are...


Thanks to him (the Christmasaurus) they had all rediscovered the importance of being nice and it wasn't only because they wanted presents...Ok, maybe it was a little bit, but most importantly it was because, well its nice to be nice." Unica pecca di questo libro, secondo me, è stata la storia su Ella Noying: il modo in cui lei si disfa del cibo, nascondendolo nella felpa e nello zaino, non è una cosa che avrei scritto in un libro per bambini. Da persona che ha un DCA, ma che è adulta, quelle azioni non sono nulla di nuovo, ma che effetto avrebbe su altre persone, in particolare più piccole? Weihnachten & Dinosaurier? Passt das zusammen? JA! Schon mit dem ersten Teil dieser Reihe hat Tom Fletcher bewiesen, dass der Weihnachtsmann eben nicht zwingend auf ein Rentier mit roter Nase angewiesen ist, sondern es auch ein verfressener, blauer Dinosaurier mit einem riesigen Herzen tut.

when it comes down to it, i'm an adult reading a book for kids. it wasn't written with me in mind, but i also don't like to see things dumbed down or oversimplified in a way that supposedly reaches kids. kids aren't stupid...they're just younger. Nachdem William Trudel bereits zweimal das Weihnachtsfest gerettet hat, ist es für den Weihnachtsmann nahezu unfassbar, dass eben dieser plötzlich auf der berüchtigten Liste der unartigen Kinder erscheint. Und auch der Weihnachtosaurus kann nicht glauben, was er da sieht. Kurzum macht er sich auf den Weg, um herauszufinden, was sein bester Freund denn überhaupt schlimmes getan haben soll. Every step you take away from the last Christmas brings you one step closer to the next’. Can you work out how many days / weeks / months it has been since last Christmas and how many it is until the next?

Creative Play

The book begins with the line, ‘This story starts like all good stories do, a long time ago.’ Could you use this as the opening line of your own story? As well as his career as an author, by the age of 21, Tom had penned 10 UK number 1 singles and is the founding member of the band McFLY. The Brit Award-winning band has sold over 10 million records worldwide and Tom has also written songs for other artists including One Direction, Busted and 5SOS. Am știut mereu că niciun copil nu-i cu totul și cu totul obraznic, la fel cum nu-i nici cu totul cu totul cuminte. Copiii cuminti pot face obraznicii ,iar copiii obraznici pot redeveni cuminți, de aceea merită toată lumea încă o șansă. Gemolina Shine, este o domnișoară ce de mică i-a plăcut să fie în lumina reflectoarelor, nu concepe să nu fie așa, iar pentru solo-ul de Crăciun a luptat pentru atingerea acestui scop, în n mod crud, neomenos, fără a ține seamă de nimic; a fost lipsită de scrupule

Martiv Johnson a fost fratele minunat, perfect până când a primit de Crăciun un GameBox și a devenit Jucatorul3000, a devenit dependent de ecrane. Ces deux précédents points font que c'était un poil moins bon que le tome 1 et 2, MAIS c'était quand même génial !

Create a picture of a Christmas bean and the toys that you would like for Christmas growing underground! a few vague things that bothered me: the bully who is a bully For A Good Reason and the gamer who does nothing but play games and ignore the real world. i'm someone who was bullied, and my boyfriend is a gamer, and i'm honestly tired of seeing things oversimplified like this. sure, you can see bullies as complicated people with lives you don't know about and hardships that make them who they are. but that NEVER should excuse bullying. and doing a bad thing for a good reason isn't a message i can get on board with. i'm really sensitive to this type of nonsense, and i wanted the bully to realize what they were doing wrong and make things right and NOT be rewarded. it felt like the equivalent of a participation trophy. no one deserves an award for learning how to be a halfway decent human. no. just no. Second chances can't be wrapped up and left under the tree, and often they are the hardest things to give someone, but one second chance can change a life."

Lista Obraznicilor sau a Cuminților nu înseamnă numai diferența dintre a primi jucării sau nu, este vorba de priceperea copiilor de a deosebi binele de rău, ce-i corect de ce e greșit, obrăznicia de cumințenie, mai este vorba și de bucuria, căldură pe care o simți când descoperi cadoul pe care ți l-ai dorit. De ce cere Ronnie acești bani, care este motivul din spatele constrangerii, dacă reușește Crăciunozaurul să-l ajute și să se regăsească iar numele lui pe Lista Cumintilor, rămâne să descoperiți. Unterwegs trifft er auf weitere Kinder, die sich einen Platz auf der gefürchteten Liste „verdient“ haben. Dementsprechend haben wir viele kleinere Geschichten, die man theoretisch auch eigenständig lesen könnte. Jede von ihnen vermittelt wichtige und wunderbare Botschaften und beschäftigt sich damit, was richtig oder falsch ist. Themen wie Mobbing, Teilen, Empathie, Zusammenhalt und Ehrlichkeit werden aufgegriffen und das auf kindgerechte und nachvollziehbare Art und Weise. Der Schreibstil ist insgesamt humorvoll, unterhaltsam und sehr kurzweilig. Witzig finde ich auch, dass die Wichtel ausschließlich in Reimen und Gesang kommunizieren. Außerdem spricht Tom Fletcher die Lesenden immer wieder direkt an und bezieht auch sich selbst als Autoren mit ein. Sehr gelungen!Santa looks in a book to find out more information about the dinosaur, but there isn’t anything there. Could you write a non-fiction report about the Christmasaurus to help Santa? Think of some questions that you would like to ask William and Brenda following the events in Chapter Seven. How might they respond? The elves like to talk in rhyme. Could you try to have a rhyming conversation (or write a rhyming conversation between some elves)?

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