Chasing Love: A Best Friends Brother Romance (Dark Love Series Book 1)

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Chasing Love: A Best Friends Brother Romance (Dark Love Series Book 1)

Chasing Love: A Best Friends Brother Romance (Dark Love Series Book 1)

RRP: £99
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He desperately tries to hold onto her but his psyche tells him that she will never be his. But unlike Charlotte Julian often reaches out to other people. His penchant for forming friendships serves him well as he navigates the torturous world of romantic relationships. Eight years later, I’ve said yes to marrying another man—the ever-so-perfect Julian Baker. I 'm finally ready to let go of my past for a new future.

In Kat T Masen’s “Chasing Love,” the lead is a woman named Charlotte who accidentally falls in love with her best friend’s brother. The problem is that he is a married man even though Charlie sees a happily ever after in their future. Authors, if you are a member of the Goodreads Author Program, you can edit information about your own books. Find out how in this guide. But through Lex’s jealousy, they make for an emotional and heartwarming romance even in the midst of heartbreaking conditions. an extension of the Facebook based group authors looking for reviewers.Kat Masen is married and has four children that she says have a great sense of humor and are just as crazy as her. The “Dark Love” series of novels by Kat T Masen tell the romantic stories of men and women who cannot get enough of each other. Kat T Masen is an author inspired and obsessed with the 1980s, which is a time when she was in her childhood years. She loved this time as she got to listen to some great music, experience neon-colored lights, and skated any time she wanted. As a teenager in the 1990s, she started dating and this period also informed her later works. To the outside world, Julian is the perfect man with intelligence, wealth, good looks, and one of the most beautiful girls in the city on his arm. But fate has always been cruel to him and it is not going to stop now.

Charlotte never intended to fall in love with her best friend’s brother who happens to be a married man. She had made a ton of mistakes over the course of her life but more recently, she impulsively married Lex Edwards.

Kat T Masen’s “Chasing Her” follows Julian and Charlotte as they try to make their love work. Julian had once experienced devastating loss and Charlie may be the woman to make him get over it. The “Dark Love” series of novels is a set of works by the Australian bestselling romance author Kat T Masen. The author grew up in Sydney as a child and loves to say that she lived at a time when social media and fancy gadgets did not exist is what probably led to a career as an author.

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