Operating in the Courts of Heaven: Granting God the Legal Rights to Fulfill His Passion and Answer Our Prayers

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Operating in the Courts of Heaven: Granting God the Legal Rights to Fulfill His Passion and Answer Our Prayers

Operating in the Courts of Heaven: Granting God the Legal Rights to Fulfill His Passion and Answer Our Prayers

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Teaching note: In the Courts of Heaven, forgive those who have hurt you or your children, and release/renounce all bitterness and negative words against them on the Cross of Jesus. Forgiveness strips the enemy of any legal right he is using in your relationships. The more you repent for holding bitterness and unforgiveness of those who hurt you or hurt your kids, this breaks any strongholds the enemy had. Don’t blame your ex husbands/wives, family members or their friends or teachers for causing your kids to rebel. It’s the legal right of the accuser to operate through these people, once you forgive and release all bitterness and blame – those influences will leave and you / your children within weeks you will see breakthrough. Trust me on this, I had to do this with my own child and forgive and release all bitterness against a horrible friend she had in her life that I was doing warfare against for years. It was not until I forgave, loosed all bitterness and prayed for their salvation was my daughter finally released from that ungodly influence! The enemy uses our own bitterness, blame and unforgiveness against us. I have spent countless hours in the courts of heaven for myself and my child and others and their children/families and the accuser has screamed this at me in the courts in the spirit. I am grateful I finally know this and my child is set free. Look at yourself first, and stop blaming others and instead destroy the case of the accuser operating and strip him of his legal right! Remember most likely the issue that you are dealing with that you need a breakthrough in is usually connected to a sin in that area. For example if you need a breakthrough with finances, there is usually sin in your life or your bloodline with money or not being good stewards to the Lord with your money. This is how I have learned and been set free of these accusations and see breakthroughs within weeks of repenting in the courts. – Coach Annamarie Ask the Father to now move you from the Court of Judgement/Accusation to beside His Throne of Grace and Mercy with Jesus Regular requests come to us for assistance in the Courts of Heaven. Our ministry offers personalized assistance in this paradigm of prayer. We call them Personal Advocacy sessions. We have testimony after testimony of fruitful sessions in the Courts of Heaven. In this post, we will explore the courts of heaven and how they operate. However, I will be doing this in a very easy beginner-friendly way!

Notes From Robert Henderson “Courts of Heaven - Releasing Kings Notes From Robert Henderson “Courts of Heaven - Releasing Kings

Paul in Romans 7 spoke of the 2 natures because he knew that many of those who were in the congregation were still in the “flesh” and still under the law of sin. Ask what is the accusation against you (things you have said or done against God or His commandments or someone in your bloodline has done) There are many different types of Courts mentioned in the Bible. Here are just a few that can help you understand and get started: To answer your specific questions, you can pray according to the assignments and the spiritual authority that God has given you. Prayer starts with your personal relationship with Jesus and sharing your heart for the prayer burdens God gives you. You will need to ask God what your spiritual authority and scope is to pray. Lastly, God has a history of using one person to start a prayer movement. Daniel comes to mind. I am sure you will find others. Blessing you on your prayer journey for justice and peace. Admin-Pam, InLight Connection Staff

As things were winding down and people were leaving, the hostess asked if she could have a private conversation with me. Nervously I walked into the dining room with her. It was there that she told me I needed to go to the courts of Heaven. That I should study the courts of Heaven. I explained that I had never heard of this. She said she would send me the link for Robert Henderson. They bring clarity to the fact that, as Believers, we have access to this place in the spiritual realm. We have been granted the right to boldly approach Him, because of the blood of Jesus. We can then petition and become intercessors. Being a friend of God means that He reveals Himself to us—His thoughts and His plans—through the Holy Spirit. For this reason, we can understand what those passages mean about His courts, throne, authority, instruction, and prayer.


Henderson has written the following books, further developing his “Courts of Heaven” brand of prosperity theology:We already operate in the Courts of Heaven when we bring our prayers and petitions to the Lord. Notice that Paul says we need to do it with thankfulness and not a spirit of revenge. 3. The Throne of Grace Firstly, the use of the word courts in the old testament are frequently used in the context of ‘royal’ courts and not judicial courts. For if we sin wilfully after that we have received the knowledge of the truth, there remaineth no more sacrifice for sins, Slut shaming but at the same time trying to match make me. I need to shake this. Dreams of someone not seeming like they can save me. Hey Stephen. Great question! In Doug’s podcast with Elizabeth Nixon on the Courts of Heaven she says the following that is helpful, ““What does it mean to go into the Courts,” and really going to the Courts of

The Courts of Heaven - Prayer Strategy

But what about Revelation 12? The verses in this chapter often get cited as justifying that Satan is in heaven now accusing us. It is imperative to note that while there is conjecture as to the interpretation of this chapter (like all things Revelation), there is a good body of scholary work to say Revelation 12 is a past event. Jesus calls the enemy a thief (John 10:10) However, if our sin causes him to have legal rights then he is no longer a thief. Put simply; if you have legal rights to something, then you aren’t a thief. So is Satan a thief or the rightful owner of some part of our life? Now all things are of God, who has reconciled us to Himself through Jesus Christ, and has given us the ministry of reconciliation. 2 Corinthians 5:18 NKJV Utter nonsense. This is just more of the American heretical experience of so many American evangelical churches. This is NON-biblical and runs contrary to the teaching that we have ONE ADVOCATE – Jesus – in our interactions with the Father. You know it is nonsense the first time you read that ‘the courts are fashioned like our earthly courts’ or that the 7th court is like the US Supreme court. How gullible do you have to be to fall for this stuff? NOTHING in heaven is like it is here on earth and arent we glad of that?But I am somehow confused now between the simplicity of the gospel of beleaving Jesus’“finished work” on the cross where all we need is faith (believe, trust and obey what Jesus teaches us) and now this talk of entering the courts of heaven to plead our own cases and cleaning our bloodlines etc It is possible that all 90 minutes will not be filled by prayer from our team, but typically all 90 minutes are used. Just Before Your Appearance – Pray: “Holy Spirit, I am asking in Jesus name that you will reveal all to me clearly during my court appearance, so that I can repent clearly for my wrong and follow through after the verdict is rendered. I am also asking for my Angels to accompany me. Thank you for your help Holy Spirit, Amen” In December 2021 we changed the length of sessions and no longer offer a 1-hour session or a 2-hour session, instead all sessions are now up to 90 minutes, or 1.5 hours of prayer ministry.

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