Free Your Mind: The must-read expert guide on how to identify techniques to influence you and how to resist them

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Free Your Mind: The must-read expert guide on how to identify techniques to influence you and how to resist them

Free Your Mind: The must-read expert guide on how to identify techniques to influence you and how to resist them

RRP: £99
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This was an odd read. At times it read more like a political manifesto than like a book about behavioural psychology. It is more frequent that we fall into the trap of deciding on something without thinking whether we actually are in need. Now that influencers are the biggest manipulators, we need to be immune to our minds without wavering thoughts. Nowadays people know how to inject thoughts into people's minds to make them fall for it. The book explains a lot of phenomena that might seem new but actually, something we are experiencing.

But they do a great job of finding manipulation techniques and great examples of people like magicians and journalists where the techniques can be found then at the end of the chapters the rules are useful. Dodsworth and Fagan examine the numerous strategies used by manipulators, including huge tech corporations, politicians, and advertisements. They feature conversations with professionals in mind control, such as monks and magicians, illuminating their dishonest methods.A book like 'Free your mind' is actually a best guide on the current culture. Many times we fall for something, not analysing whether it is required or not. Keeping oneself immune to manipulation is the key. Have you heard of Dunning Kruger effect? There were much more phenomenons explianed in the book which was a new phrase for me😅.

The book promotes critical thinking, giving readers the tools they need to regain control and defend themselves against the relentless assault of deception in contemporary culture. Assalamu Alaikum😊, ' If you don't follow your own map, someone else will direct your journey for you' -extracts from the bookWonderful book, I will no longer be controlled and nudged into conformity. I refuse to drive on the left from now on I choose the middle path through the traffic. My first journey will be to cemetery where I will tell Uncle Ahmed to get up and move his lazy arse, covid is just a cold, and avoiding infection is just mind control. The next time I see a man transitioning into a woman, but not quite pulling it off I will stand in the street point and shout as it says in the book “ the emperor has no clothes on” and everyone will see the light and agree with me. PDF / EPUB File Name: Free_Your_Mind_New_World_of_Manipulation_-_Laura_Dodsworth.pdf, Free_Your_Mind_New_World_of_Manipulation_-_Laura_Dodsworth.epub Free Your Mind" works like a mind-map of techniques and guidelines which can help readers in overcoming and defeating brainwash and manipulation. The book how "Warfare is evolving; And all the world's a stage; Anything we touch is a weapon." with respect to mind reading, persuasion and provokation. In this era of Social Media, you can find tons of Influencers. How do they seek the phrase 'Influencers'? They typically inject throughts in the listener's mind about someting which in turn manipulates them to follow their words. 20 chapters in 'Free your Mind' covers various aspect like Realiziation, immunisation, overthinking, social media distancing, siding with the right aspects and much more. The book shows how we can survive in this world of manipulation by critical thinking and mindful consumption of content.

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