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Secret Lessons

Secret Lessons

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Instead of exchanging gifts in the morning like normal, Hermione and Fleur had insisted on waiting until after the ball.

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My friends, Ron and Hermione, couldn’t hear it either. Maybe it just takes practice.” He said, trying to reassure her. Harry shook his head, and sighed. “Fine.” He said, spreading his arms and then dropping them to his sides. Hermione snorted, and Harry was glad to hear she had stopped crying. Walking over to the bed, he sat down just as she sat up and hugged her knees.I bet they would love to see such an arrogant French bitch on her knees, with my balls in your mouth.” He told her. What is the meaning of this?” McGonagall asked as she pushed her way through the crowd that had gathered to watch.

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The Secret says to visualize your goals daily as if you’ve already achieved them and they’ve already happened. She’s going to be really cross.” He told her, visions of fireball throwing Veela from the World Cup running through his mind. On top of that, how many thousands of experiences have you had in life that had nothing to do with what you were thinking? Harry and Hermione were walking through the halls, followed by glares and whispers that had become common place since his name came out of the Goblet of Fire. Hermione had badgered him into going to the library to look up spells that might be useful in the tournament, despite the fact that they didn’t know what the first task would be. Just as they were cutting through the courtyard, He noticed Fleur Delacour breaking off from her friends, and marching over to them in a graceful, determined stride.Shaking his head, Harry looked around the room. Maybe if he could find Ron a date, he wouldn’t feel so jealous when he saw him with Hermione. Eventually, his eyes landed on Parvati, a pretty Indian witch with a thin figure and nice curves. Without a word to Ron, he levered himself to his feet and walked over to her. Are you sure you want to do that, Fleur.” Harry asked. “I mean, you’re getting closer without having to go that far.” A blissful look fell over Hermione’s face as the spell took hold. At his command, she danced around the, spinning and twirling gracefully. As she moved her skirt flared out, showing her long, muscular legs. After a couple of minutes, when she still showed no sign of resisting, Harry dropped the spell.

Secret Lessons - Chapter 10 - ProfessorQuill - Harry Potter Secret Lessons - Chapter 10 - ProfessorQuill - Harry Potter

Fleur ignored his question and opened one of the doors along the hallway that led to a cramped broom cupboard. Harry watched her in confusion as she huffed, closed the door and tried the next one. That door led to a mostly empty room, with only an old, dust covered desk at one end. I need you to know that I will be including this link and a summary of what you have presented here in our resource and urging teachers to visit this link. Receiving involves feeling the way you will feel once your desire has manifested. Feeling good now puts you on the frequency of what you want.”– The Secret Don’t worry about howI need you to teach me ‘ow to zhow off zhe Imperius curse.” She repeated, glaring at him as if daring him to refuse. Apparently ‘the law of attraction’ AKA “The Secret” is an unbreakable law of nature like gravity that attracts things into your life based upon what you think about and focus on. Not only that, but it has secretly been used for centuries by the greatest people in history such as Plato, Shakespeare, Newton, Hugo, Beethoven, Lincoln, Emerson, Edison and Einstein. There isn’t a single thing that you cannot do with this knowledge. It doesn’t matter who you are or where you are, The Secret can give you whatever you want: happiness, health, and wealth. You can have, do, or be anything you want.”– The Secret

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