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The Bolds

The Bolds

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Edelleen 2. luokan vinkkikirjoja luen. Tämä oli aika pitkähkö, eli vaatii jo hyvän lukutaidon ja keskittymiskykyä. Mutta sen verran höpsö ja kuvilla höystetty, että sopii kyllä 2.-3. luokkalaisille hyvin. The premise is simple but strong. After Fred and Amelia Bold suffer an unfortunate accident with a crocodile during a safari in Tanzania, two enterprising hyenas spot an opportunity for a better life and pitch up in Teddington determined to nail the suburban lifestyle with their two young pups – sorry, children – who are taught from an early age never to reveal their bushy tails.

The Bolds Series by Julian Clary - Goodreads

The Bolds are just like you and me. They live in an ordinary house on an ordinary street, and they love to laugh. But there’s one slight difference… they are hyenas! Written by Julian Clary, The Bolds is a hilarious story of acceptance, and how we should not judge people by appearances. His sharp script is perky, quirky and surprising, provides plenty of opportunity for fun and participation, which has the audience howling with laughter. The terrific ensemble cast give a highly polished performance, excelling at dancing, close harmony singing and toilet humour in equal measure. Hyenas love to laugh, and the audience can’t help but join in when David Ahmad, as the irrepressible Mr Bold, churns out masses of cheesy dad jokes to get us chortling. Amanda Gordon is fabulous as Mrs Bold – and what a voice! Meanwhile, Mae Munuo and Sam Swann as the twins bring tremendous dynamism, energy and humour to the stage. It is their friend Minnie, played sensitively by Charity Beddu-Addo, who adds an understated poignancy to the story, reminding us that the most ordinary-looking people don’t necessarily have a straightforward life when you stop to look. All in all, this is sure to be a really fun show for all ages - including the grown ups. If the audience's reaction from last night is anything to go by, people are going to absolutely love it. The children make a great friend of schoolmate Minnie (Charity Bedu-Addo) but things can’t go entirely smoothly or there wouldn’t be any drama. First, it's when Betty accidentally lets Minnie catch sight of her tail, which wouldn’t matter except that next-door neighbour nosey Mr McNumpty (Sam Pay) may have seen too. There is a neat twist to that part of the story.The Bolds are just like you and me. They live in an ordinary house on an ordinary street, and they love to laugh. But there’s one slight difference. They are actually hyenas! Between 2005 and 2008, Clary wrote a fortnightly column for the New Statesman magazine. He has also published an autobiography, A Young Man's Passage, which covers his life and career up to the 1993 "Norman Lamont incident" at the British Comedy Awards. In 2007, Clary released his first novel, Murder Most Fab, published by Ebury Press. His second novel, Devil in Disguise, was published in 2009. His first book for children, The Bolds, was published by Andersen Press in 2015.

The Bolds by Julian Clary | Goodreads

I loved The Bolds, I love what they build up, and I had a laugh when they had to tell their kids about their secret and what to do with it. The kids had finally reached the age were they could be told about it, and to know what they are. The show hums with an easy sense of playfulness, with the young audience happily shouting out comments and warnings as the adventure unfolds. Mae Munuo and Sam Swann scamper tirelessly about the stage as young Betty and Bobby Bold, munching on pens, papers and chairs, rubbing their bottoms on props and, of course, rolling about on the floor with laughter. It is a great deal of fun with the twins played like real irrepressible children and a talented company singing, dancing Natasha Harrison’s nifty choreography and playing instruments alongside musical director Simon Wallace on keyboards.Combining live music and songs by Julian Clary and Simon Wallace, The Bolds will have you laughing like a bunch of, well, hyenas, in a show which revels in the joy of being anything but ordinary. LoveReading4Kids exists because books change lives, and buying books through LoveReading4Kids means you get to change the lives of future generations, with 25% of the cover price donated to schools in need. Join our community to get personalised book suggestions, extracts straight to your inbox, 10% off RRPs, and to change children’s lives.

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