Canikur Pro Paste 60ml

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Canikur Pro Paste 60ml

Canikur Pro Paste 60ml

RRP: £99
Price: £9.9
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Contains a strain of probiotic bacteria which is naturally present in the healthy gut. Also contains Bio-Mos-C (prebiotic), which supports the growth of beneficial bacteria in the intestine, and montmorillonite, a natural binding agent. Canikur Pro Paste is conveniently available in 15 ml, 30 ml and 60 ml tubes.Use the handy wheel on the syringe plunger to administer the correct amount of the product, on its own or mixed with food.

Substitute: Proenteric, Florentero Probiotic Tablets / Paste, Canigest Combi Paste, Promax Paste , Canigest Paste A complementary feed paste to support the natural intestinal balance in dogs. Also suitable for use in stressful events such as travelling and visits to the vets. BioMos -C – A prebiotic unique to Canikur Pro, which works to help give the good bacteria every chance to flourish Canikur Tablets and Pro Paste for dogs is a highly palatable formula which contains pro-biotics and pre-biotics which help to support the natural balance of the intestines in all dog breeds. Pro Paste - The following guidelines show the recommended twice daily feeding amounts depending on the size of the dog.Canikur pro paste is a blend of three synergistic ingredients – prebiotic, probiotic and absorbent which supports the natural intestinal flora. Probiotics help in re-population of the good bacteria in the gut. Monmorillonite is a good binder that binds with the toxins in the gut. It also stops the bad bacteria from getting them attached to the intestinal wall. Prebiotic BioMos-C promotes proliferation of the fruitful bacteria and let them grow and repopulate.

The ring on the syringe plunger should be turned to provide the desired dose, and the Canikur Pro paste is expressed in the feed bowl or directly into the pet’s mouth. Canikur Pro Paste is formulated for dogs containing probiotics and pre-biotics to support gut function.As bentonite may bind macrolides the product should not be used with oral macrolides.Use for as long as considered necessary or as directed by your vetinary surgeon, but no longer than 4 weeks.Use to support and maintain a healthy gut flora during periods of stress, antibiotic treatment or other challenges that might upset the natural bacterial flora in the gut.Canikur Pro can be given either twice daily or once daily to dogs - we recommend it's given twice daily.The amount your dog needs depends on their weight.Canikur Pro can be given either twice daily or once daily to cats - we recommend it's given twice daily. Pets are part of the family.And that's why they've developed a range of products that help pets and people get closer - and help pets live healthily and happily too. Age specific restrictions, safety for breeding and lactating animals have not been stated by the manufacturer. Also See Setgut Powder, S emolyte Sachet, Prowel D Sachet, E-Motion Powder, Pawgest Probiotics & Prebiotics Powder, TumOnzym Tablets, SynFOSium Capsules,

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Please note that parcels weighing over 2kg may be sent via courier due to Royal Mail weight restrictions. Soy oil, inactivated yeast, lupin protein meal, glucose, sodium chloride, disodium phosphate, sunflower oil.

Always follow recommended dose. It has no reported withdrawal side effects. Always consult your veterinarian. Do not self medicate.Canikur Pro Paste is specially formulated for dogs, contains three ingredients including both probiotics and prebiotics, that work together to support your dog’s gut function. Canikur Pro Paste can be given alongside any prescription medicines that your vet may recommend. Most dogs love the tasty meat flavour and will eat the paste straight from the syringe. Canikur® Pro Paste for Dogs and Cats is designed to be tasty – most dogs and cats love the meat flavour and will eat the paste straight from the syringe.

This product may also be helpful for your dog during stressful events such as travelling, visits to the veterinary clinic, or weaning of puppies.Canikur Pro can be given either twice daily or once daily to dogs - we recommend it's given twice daily.The amount your dog needs depends on their weight. Canikur Pro is indicated in the treatment of acute & chronic diarrhoea during and after antibiotics, dogs with inclination to recurring diarrhea, periods of stress that can lead to diarrhoea like change of feed or travel. Bio-Mos-C - a unique prebiotic that promotes growth of good gut bacteria and helps stop bad bacteria attaching to the gut lining Yes. Canikur pro is indicated for the management of gastrointestinal upsets or diarrhoea in puppies.

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