Slowdown: The End of the Great Acceleration-and Why It's Good for the Planet, the Economy, and Our Lives

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Slowdown: The End of the Great Acceleration-and Why It's Good for the Planet, the Economy, and Our Lives

Slowdown: The End of the Great Acceleration-and Why It's Good for the Planet, the Economy, and Our Lives

RRP: £18.99
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I am working on a lot of research projects at the moment - in very diverse areas. This book will shape and retexture the arguments in all of them. According to the author, when two people in the same family follow two different spiritual paths, there may be discussions and disagreements within the family. Recommended for: those in business and institutions looking for fresh insights on a slower, more holistic approach to problem-solving. Featured quotes:

Door het hele boek heel staan quotes en/of korte levenslessen. Eerst vond ik dat wel fijn, maar hoe verder ik kwam in het boek, hoe meer ik deze delen scannend ging lezen. Ik vond de persoonlijke verhalen van de schrijver aan het begin van elk hoofdstuk wel erg goed, maar die quotes hoefde niet meer van mij. Rachel Williams studied literature before becoming an editor and publisher of children's books. She is also the creator of best-selling natural history and adventure books, including The Atlas of Adventure series and Illuminature. She lives with her husband and two children in London. Honore chronicles how the slow movement has seeped into medicine. Doctors are pushing for more time with patients as more people turn to alternative medicine with its slower, more holistic approach. While Dorling’s book can be overly optimistic in some of its predictions, the arguments contained in Slowdown are insightful and often highly persuasive. While the terrifying spread of COVID-19 has focused global attention on the short-term effects on the coming months and years in anticipation of climbing death tolls or salvation via a vaccine, Slowdown will refresh readers with a hopeful long-term vision for humanity. The COVID-19 crisis will call for a grand re-evaluation of how we work, how we enjoy leisure and how we reward workers who provide services we consider ‘essential’. Published in the midst of a global pandemic, Dorling’s book is a well-timed forecast that the storm will eventually subside and humankind will advance towards an era of peace and stability for all.Not only did Dorling explain how this context emerged, but why. He describes, "Agnosia is the inability to recognize certain things, despite not having any specific hearing, visual, or memory loss. One variant, social-emotional agnosia, is the inability to interpret facial expressions, body language, and voice intonation.” Our culture is suffering from Agnosia. The inability to connect evidence with interpretation, information with outcomes, remains the weeping wound of our times

When you read it you will feel like probably you have already met some of the advices mentioning here, but sometimes it's good to remind yourself, and this book is here for this reason. We all have values and beliefs that have been built over the years, becoming the basis of our thoughts and lifestyle. However, sometimes we get along with people who have different thoughts than ours, which can lead us to conflict over different worldviews. She recounts her journey to recovery, from guiltily taking time off work to swimming in the Blue Lagoon and celebrating solstice at Stonehenge.McAlary, host of the Slow Home Podcast, says the book is about being intentional with your daily actions and creating the life you want. But she’s also realistic. Creating change in your life takes effort, time and energy, though the payoff is huge. The author states that regardless of whether or not we have various assets, we will probably feel lonely and unhappy if we don't have good interpersonal relationships. I would love to hear from you. What are your favorite books on slow and simple living? MORE RESOURCES:

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