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Post Office

Post Office

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Come si sa Charles Bukowski giunse alla fama tardi. Prima si potrebbe dire che abbia vissuto, e soprattutto scopato e bevuto tutto quello che poi gli è servito per far letteratura. Charlson, David (2005). Charles Bukowski: Autobiographer, Gender Critic, Iconoclast. Trafford Press. ISBN 978-1-41205-966-4. Then there's the other part "and sad". And sad. At the end of the sentence, like it's an afterthought, the feeling you're left with when all the others have come and gone. It's so simple, no fancy word, no 'sorrowful', no 'endlessly depressing'. It's sad. Like that. There's not a damn thing you can do about it, it's the way it is. It won't make you cry, but it will make you feel like drinking. The streets were full of insane and dull people. Most of them lived in nice houses and didn’t seem to work, and you wondered how they did it.” Also, Bukowski can really write. This book was a joy to read. I couldn't put it down! Here's my problem with memoirs - just because it happened, doesn't mean it's interesting. Bukowski knew the power of fiction. He knew exactly what to keep, what to leave out, and what to fabricate. So this story is very readable. There was nothing I'd change about it.

Post Office: A Novel - Kindle edition by Bukowski, Charles Post Office: A Novel - Kindle edition by Bukowski, Charles

Women focuses on the many dissatisfaction's Chinaski faced with each new woman he encountered. One of the women featured in the book is a character named Lydia Vance; she is based on Bukowski's one-time girlfriend, the sculptress and sometime poet Linda King. Another central female character in the book is named "Tanya" who is described as a 'tiny girl-child' and Chinaski's pen-pal. La differenza tra dittatura e democrazia è che in democrazia prima si vota e poi si prendono ordini, in dittatura non dobbiamo sprecare il nostro tempo andando a votare.

It was not a mistake to read this book. I'm glad I did. I went through the gamut of emotions, including laughing at the moments of levity. I recommend Post Office with caveats. If easily offended by language then think twice about reading it. I can see happy people on TV and Facebook all the time. Their stories mostly sound all the same. I think there's a famous book that starts with that kind of wisdom. My BarBud should be able to tell me which one, because I forget these things. So does he get credit here for brutal honesty or is it just more of the same reader abuse? Bukowski is more miserable here than in previous books:

Post Office - Charles Bukowski - Google Books

In plain, no frills english. Some call him misogynistic but I disagree. I never felt like he was exploiting or demeaning women (in any of his books).Our main guy, Chinaski, is little more than a drunk womaniser, but the story which he tells about his time in the postal service, his drinking escapades, his sexual conquests and the woes of everyday life, are completely fascinating. Despite everything, the story shows the reader than Chinaski is not immune to the feeling of pain and sorrow, and honestly, you feel sorry for the guy before the end.

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