Love as Always, Mum xxx: The true and terrible story of surviving a childhood with Fred and Rose West

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Love as Always, Mum xxx: The true and terrible story of surviving a childhood with Fred and Rose West

Love as Always, Mum xxx: The true and terrible story of surviving a childhood with Fred and Rose West

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It’s hard to imagine how someone could do that to another person and whilst there’s no excuse for what they did, you get to learn, to some extent, why they were both extremely messed up people. I love my mom because she gave me everything: she gave me love, she gave me her soul, and she gave me her time. But to go on believing she is innocent, even after she is convicted, to the point where you lose relationships with your siblings the only people who can truly understand everything you've been through. There are some things that I wish mae had felt able to expand on, especially when she said she had fallen out with some of her siblings such as Steven. We and our partners use data for Personalised ads and content, ad and content measurement, audience insights and product development.

Love as Always, Mum xxx by Mae West | Hachette UK

She says in the book that she sees Rose grab Stephen (Mae's brother) by the throat and lift him up in the air, whilst trying to pull down his trousers to hit his bottom. This book is truly moving in many ways and as much as I want to say I enjoyed it, I didn’t, because it was heart-wrenching, but that’s why it’s a 5-star read. The bond between a mother and her adult child can be frenzied and fraught, loaded and exasperating, undermining and energy-sapping.I have always been a firm believer in everything happens for a reason and now my life is living proof of that. From a toddler locked in the deathly basement to a teen fighting off the sexual advances of her father, Mae’s story is one of survival. They've been through hell and it's sad knowing that they've had to change their names because of journalistic vultures who won't leave them alone. I was not quite sure what to expect since I know the children’s reactions to the discovery of the crimes and subsequent trial/imprisonment is varied.

Mum Love You Always - Etsy UK Mum Love You Always - Etsy UK

In the past year I have became a mother to a handsome little charmer named Gavin who has quickly stolen my heart, a wife to my best friend, my protector and my partner in crime; Christopher, a 1st time home owner and started to dip my toes in the photography world. Mae was just 21 when the police came to their door to advise that they were going to dig up the family garden at 25 Cromwell Street following the confession of her father: that he had killed her sister Heather alongside many other women. My mum has always been my best friend so of course I love to take full advantage of mother's day to spoil her and show her how much I love and appreciate her!I would have considered myself relatively well-versed in the story of Fred and Rose West, but this book really did fill in a number of gaps and missing pieces of information for me.

love always, mum love always, mum

But in Love as Always, Mum xxx, we visit Mae's childhood and the horrors that she went through as a child and growing in to a young adult, the connections she held with her siblings and the fear and sadness that she felt through it all. Mae is at pains to impress that while there was abuse and other unsavoury things going on at home, they also celebrated birthdays, had a lovely sit down Christmas lunch and were turned out to school in spotlessly clean clothes and Rose took the children to school she picked them up at home time. No one has the perfect mother, but she’s the only one you’ll ever have – and life is better if you can love her.

Anybody who knows me well knows that I can never resist watching the latest true crime documentary on TV or resist the temptation of scouring over a true crime article. Mae cannot imagine that her mother had anything to do with the killings committed by her serial killer father. Whilst I didn't find the actual writing to be fantastic - unfortunately I found that sometimes the book seemed a little disjointed and quite repetitive, the content alone is gripping enough to recommend. They were embarrassed by ‘sex noises’ leaking into the street and the fact that their father compulsively stole, and abused his daughters. She has rebuilt a life for herself and her family, but still lives in the shadow of her parents' crimes.

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