This Lie Will Kill You

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This Lie Will Kill You

This Lie Will Kill You

RRP: £8.99
Price: £4.495
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Brett was the only character I liked, and that was mainly because even though he was a bully he seemed to have genuine emotions. We are making the subscriber-only change to support our valued readers, who tell us they don't want the site cluttered up with irrelevant comments, untruths and abuse. This Lie Will Kill You is a fiction mystery thriller where 5 teens are lured to a mansion with the promise of winning a scholarship. She had zero interest in getting wasted with her classmates, and even less interest in pretending death was hilarious. I felt like some descriptions were added in about certain details that weren’t needed, so I was questioning whether this would be one for the DNF (do not finish) pile.

The book starts with a beautifully written prologue on the night of the fire, but although it tries to be vague, it provides enough information that I knew who was behind everything after reading about three lines from their perspective.I didn’t like their relationship, I mean they knew each other for a few weeks (maybe I’m even generous with that) and they are so madly in love, they are soul mates. This overall made it a much faster paced read than it otherwise could have been and impressed me greatly. There's a lot going on in this book, from various character connections to the unveiling of the true events of that fateful night, but it lends itself to the story.

Autumn’s coming-of-age is sensitively chronicled, with a wide range of experiences and events shaping her character. His father was once a professional boxer, but now his hopes for a bright future have faded and it’s down to Brett to succeed where his father failed.

Because this seems like a weirdly specific detail to miss, especially as it’s essentially Gavin’s only reason for being invited to the mystery dinner.

  • Fruugo ID: 258392218-563234582
  • EAN: 764486781913
  • Sold by: Fruugo

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