Sony Wireless Headset (PS3)

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Sony Wireless Headset (PS3)

Sony Wireless Headset (PS3)

RRP: £99
Price: £9.9
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Step 5: In the “Accessory Settings” menu, choose the “Audio Device Settings” option and then select “Output Device.” Step 3: Now, put on the headset and adjust it comfortably on your head. Ensure that the earphones are positioned correctly over your ears.

Shadow of the Colossus HD: Hrmmm, not that impressed with this one. There is some positional audio but it wasn't as good as I had hoped. There really isn't much positional audio to hear in this game. Intense bass in weird places, none in others. Uncharted 2: Very, very good sound. Tons of positional audio and ambient sounds like birds, water, and weather. Sounds excellent and has good bass. Choose the appropriate audio output setting based on the connection type of your wireless headset. If you are using the headset’s USB dongle, select “Multi-Output Device”. If you are using Bluetooth connectivity, select “Wireless Headset”. After confirming the audio output and input settings, the PS3 will prompt you to perform a sound test. This test allows you to adjust the volume levels to your preference. Follow the on-screen instructions to complete the sound test.Consult online forums or customer support for any known compatibility issues with your specific headset model.

I am very impressed with this wireless headset. The following are my thoughts on it's various qualities: Once the sound test is complete, you can further fine-tune the audio settings by accessing the “Audio Device Settings” option in the PS3’s settings menu. Here, you can adjust the microphone level, chat output volume, and other audio-related settings to personalize your gaming experience. Once the scanning process is complete, your Bluetooth headset should appear on the list of available devices. Highlight your headset and press the X button on your controller to select it.Ensure the charging port on the headset is clean and free from debris, as this can prevent a proper connection.

  • Fruugo ID: 258392218-563234582
  • EAN: 764486781913
  • Sold by: Fruugo

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