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Underground interiors; decorating for alternate life styles,

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Una de ellas fue en 2011, cuando en medio de un viaje por el Mayab que incluyó recorrer dos de mis estados favoritos del país y dos estados nación vecinos; mi hermana y yo tuvimos la buena idea de contratar un tour a la cueva ATM en Belice. Hunt hace exactamente lo mismo en el libro y no pude sino contrastar con alegría mi experiencia a la suya. El capítulo donde se relata la expedición de Hunt a la cueva ATM es el último del libro, donde el tema principal es la relación religiosa del hombre con las cuevas. El autor cuenta la reverencia y la gravedad y lo sagrado de la experiencia de bajar al Xibalbá. Ese día, 19 de Julio de 2011, fue una jornada no voy a decir que mística, pero sí de exagerada y frenética dicha. Nadar al interior de la cueva, seguir el camino del agua entre riachuelos y oquedades y luego salir a contemplar las cámaras con sus estalactitas y ofrendas, trepar por entre rocas y finalmente subir la escalera de metal para ir a conocer a la pobre muchacha que le tocó la de perder me hizo sentir increíblemente feliz, con un arrebato que en aquel año que estaba siendo difícil para mí reafirmó mi pasión por los espacios subterráneos. Y pues, al igual que pasó con el libro de Waterlog (Diarios del Agua), ésta es una reseña de un libro de no ficción que sirve mejor para explicar su rating que haciendo que se trate de mí. Lo siento. UNDERGROUND is written with a mesmerizing prose designed to incite wonder, but descriptions seem always only half cast, as though the author is not fully willing to share every secret.

News from Dezeen Events Guide, a listings guide covering the leading design-related events taking place around the world. Plus occasional updates. Dezeen Awards China Perhaps we can’t begrudge these withholdings. After all, adventure belongs solely to the adventurer himself. We, the reader and witness, are allowed only the glimpse we deserve from the safety of our armchairs, lit with reading lamps and a comfortable cup of tea at our side. Some things must be left undiscovered and undocumented, left for our own internal meanderings which I believe the author hopes to inspire by his documentation of a subsurface largely unknown. |Daily updates on the latest design and architecture vacancies advertised on Dezeen Jobs. Plus occasional news. Dezeen Jobs Weekly


|Danish architecture studio Dorte Mandrup has revealed plans for the Nunavut Inuit Heritage Centre in Canada, a sweeping, partly underground structure with a form based on patterns found in the snow. More James Parkes Will Hunt chronicles his search for meaning in the oft undiscovered world beneath our feet with a work that is part travel journal, part anthropological study. Hunt writes of his numerous explorations underground from the catacombs of Paris and the vast tunnels of NYC, to untouched caves in South America and Australia—and everything in between. His thoughtful commentary remarks on the discoveries of some of history’s greatest minds juxtaposed with that of the common traveler turned dirt evangelist, a commentary proving that an enduring and utterly human fascination with the underground world has always existed and will exist inevitably into the future.

Who woulda expected to learn about placating the old Mondongs by walking the red marlu's songline to the Wilgie Mia? And also learn the importance of ochre? In einem späteren Kapitel macht sich Hunt auf die Suche nach REVS. Dieser war in den 90er Jahren in den New Yorker U-Bahn-Tunneln unterwegs und hat ein ganzes Tagebuch auf dessen Wänden hinterlassen. Trotz spezieller Einsatzgruppe wurde er nie gefasst. Ja, nicht einmal seine Identität wurde bekannt. Quasi ein New Yorker Untergrund-Banky, im wahrsten Sinne des Wortes. Underground interiors : decorating for alternate life styles. [Surrealist interiors -- Environments -- Radical Chic -- Pop Culture -- Space Age Habitations] - First edition What is going on down there has fascinated me ever since I read of Alice jumping down that rabbit hole. Her adventures still resonate with us in part because of the story and the language, but also because deep down inside, we are all fascinated with the world beneath our feet. And the more I read this book, the more I was hooked.

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es uno de esos libros de no ficción interpretativa donde el autor hace el viaje de rigor para explorar una serie de manifestaciones alrededor de una idea central. En este caso se trata de la relación de la humanidad con el mundo subterráneo, tanto natural como artificial. Desde la caótica maraña de infraestructura urbana hasta las minas y cuevas, Hunt hace una exploración que nos lleva de la mano por tratar de entender la fascinación que nos provocan esos lugares privados de luz. Y como esta idea central es una que me atrapa de forma suprema; en cuanto me enteré de su existencia y siendo honestos, de la editorial que lo publica y la calidad con la que tiende a hacerlo en este idioma, me lancé a comprarlo. In the next chapter he wrote of the Jacques Cousteau of the underworld. Someone that lives in caves or underground for a time to test his reactions. The author then tried his own 24 hour experiment in darkness in a cave. Alongside this he wrote of our first studies of sensory depravation. Fascinating read all the way around.

My favorite chapters were those on the caves, a topic that did not draw me to this book; it was the underground cities that had caught my interest. When Will writes, you see it all, you feel it all. First there were the cave paintings, which I had always found to be beautiful when seeing them in books or on the walls of a class room at college. Then there were the two bison sculptures made of clay from the cave. Whenever people came into the cave, Tuc d'Audoubert, they felt a sense of worship. A sacredness. It was in these caves that the cave dwellers had their religious ceremonies. They danced themselves into trances, seen by the footprints that had remained in the cave all these years. But what is more, being in a dark cave, in total darkness can cause the mind to expand. You get visions. Bei den besuchten Orten gibt es durchaus Überschneidungen zu MacFarlanes Buch. Der Abstieg in die Pariser Katakomben gehört wohl in jedes Buch dieser Art und auch hier lasse ich mich gerne mitnehmen, auf den Spuren von Die Elenden und dem Fotografen Nadar. Die unterirdischen Städte in Kappadokien, bei MacFarlane nur flüchtig erwähnt, erfahren hier erfreulicherweise mehr Beachtung. Beneath my feet lies a 300 million-year-old petrified rainforest– the second largest in the world. Pictures of it can be seen here. It’s incredible to imagine that this snowy countryside was once a tropical rainforest and that its remains are now buried deep below where I stand today. Scientific proof of what once was. Do you ever wonder about what used to be? Do you wonder about what can’t be seen. Where I expected more of a look into unknown subterranean discoveries through the eyes of a thrill-seeking explorer, I was educated rather than merely thrilled. True, it is thrilling to think of new discoveries beneath the feet we think are standing on terra firma. I was impressed by the information Hunt covers and the many diverse locations he shares. More importantly, I was humbled by the reminder of the stewardship we have over our earth, and that we seem to be drifting away from the sense of respect and appreciation for our planet that generations before us have had, especially indigenous peoples.When the author wrote of a man from 1818 named John Cleves Symmes who declared his intent to lead a voyage to the interior of the earth to prove that it was hollow and habitable, I couldn’t help but think of Alice in Wonderland. While in the end, Symmes was considered a loon who wasted his life chasing fairy tales of underground lands, before that he sparked the imagination of many. It seems likely it sparked the imagination of the man that sparked the world’s imagination, the author of Alice in Wonderland. There is little doubt that tales from the likes of Jules Verne, HG Welles, and Frank Baum were sparked from Symmes too. Dieses Buch ist für mich nicht zu besprechen ohne ständige Verweise auf das ähnliche und doch sehr andere Buch Im Unterland von MacFarlane. Im Vergleich zu MacFarlane finde ich dieses Buch viel lesbarer, viel stringenter, viel fesselnder. Dabei ist die Anlage sehr ähnlich: Kombiniert werden die eigenen Abenteuer im Untergrund mit recherchierten Fakten und literarischen Zitaten. I really enjoyed this book. Hunt not only explores the actual underground spaces from New York to Australia and Paris to Mexico, but extends his exploration to how underground space has influenced the human psyche and behavior from the beginning. He talks about the psychology of being underground, the role underground spaces play in various religious beliefs around the world and even how life may have evolved deep underground rather than in a the hot soup at the surface.

Years later my mom sent me a newspaper article on the Cumming’s Mansion because she had known of my interest in it. I wish that I still had that article. It said that Mr. Cummings had dug a tunnel from the basement to the lot across the street as an escape route. Who knows what he feared? Anyway, some high school kids had been in the tunnel and had started a fire by accident, so they closed up the opening to the tunnel. The house is no longer there, and it certainly would have made a wonderful museum. Skurka, Norma. ; Gili, Oberto. [Richard Burroughs Carla de Benedetti John T Hill Norman McGrath Tim Street-Porter Bernard Wolff Antony Miralda Dorothee Miralda Catherine Desmarets Zandra Rhodes Samuel Bury Christine Bury Marina Lante della Rovere Gilardi: Durante buena parte del año he tenido dudas sobre qué libros van a acabar en las partes medias de mi Top 10 del año. Estoy bastante seguro de cuáles serán los primeros tres lugares y cuáles el 8, 9 y 10, pero llegué un momento a preocuparme porque no me encontraba con alguno que tuviera chances de ir en medio. Probablemente aquí ya haya terminado una parte de la búsqueda. Iranian architecture studio Olgoo has completed a subterranean holiday home near Tehran, topped by a green roof that merges with the surrounding landscape. More Jon Astbury When Will Hunt was sixteen years old, he discovered an abandoned tunnel that ran beneath his house in Providence, Rhode Island. His first tunnel trips inspired a lifelong fascination with exploring underground worlds, from the derelict subway stations and sewers of New York City to sacred caves, catacombs, tombs, bunkers, and ancient underground cities in more than twenty countries around the world. Underground is both a personal exploration of Hunt’s obsession and a panoramic study of how we are all connected to the underground, how caves and other dark hollows have frightened and enchanted us through the ages.

Thank you!

News about our Dezeen Awards programme, including entry deadlines and announcements. Plus occasional updates. Dezeen Events Guide When the author ventures into the mines of Australia, things got really weird with miners appeasing the lord of the underworld by gifts and sacrifices and making figures to symbolize him. It was strange. Yet it is also beautiful how the aboriginal people see their ancestors as very much part of their world. They honor them in a way that our culture rarely does.

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