Clean and Clear Blackhead Clearing Daily Scrub, 150 ml

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Clean and Clear Blackhead Clearing Daily Scrub, 150 ml

Clean and Clear Blackhead Clearing Daily Scrub, 150 ml

RRP: £99
Price: £9.9
£9.9 FREE Shipping

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Rather than looking for harsh scrubs, you’ll want to focus on alpha and beta hydroxy acids (AHAs and BHAs). Glycolic acid is the most common type of AHA, and salicylic acid is a prominent BHA.

You’ll find that BHAs are more widely available on the market, and in some cases, they’re more affordable too! Both AHAs and BHAs are excellent as superficial peels, says Britt Kimmins. “AHAs and BHAs …treat the superficial layer of skin and therefore are safe for OTC use in all skin types.” Although pore strips and masks may help remove junk from your pores, they can also remove elements that actually help your skin. This includes natural oils and hair follicles. Removing all of these elements can cause your skin to dry out and become irritated. In the past, you may have heard that exfoliating produces a negative effect on acne. This can be true for inflammatory acne, as the process can cause further redness and irritation. Both work by removing the top layer of your skin. In theory, this can improve the appearance of wrinkles and age spots, all while cleansing pores and making your skin softer.

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