Goodnight Punpun Volume 1

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Goodnight Punpun Volume 1

Goodnight Punpun Volume 1

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the thing that i could actually relate to while reading this was how punpun felt lonely and alone as he was going through all the things happening to his life. that hit home for me. we may not share the same age but i do feel the same most of the time. i thought it wae great the author was able to capture that emotion. Without a doubt, this is one of the most enthralling manga series I’ve read. I’ve seen stories that attempt to capture the hardships and struggles of life, but Asano goes far beyond that in Goodnight Punpun. It’s not a story that’ll appeal to everyone, the idea of it is abstract and peculiar to some people, but I know others, including myself, were absolutely astonished by this manga. It is impactful, heartbreaking, beautiful, and it will shape you as a person, as it did with me. Laku noć, Punpune" je priča o odrastanju, ali ispričana na mračan način. Autor se ne ustručava u prikazima, koristeći se autentičnim, u nekim delovima jezivim stilom. Prikazuje puno toga već u prvom delu, pa me iskreno zanima kako će se priča razvijati. Utisci su se smenjivali u toku čitanja. U nekim delovima mi se crtež dopadao, u nekim delovima je bio lošiji. Uglavnom su odrasli prikazani na uvrnut način, ali shvatam ideju iza takve odluke. Bilo je tu mirnih, spokojnih momenata, ali bi u sledećem trenutku autor ubacio jezive detalje i iznenadne uvrnute scene. U početku mi se to nije dopalo, ali sam to kasnije zavoleo. Time je održavao pažnju i uspeo u tome da mangu pročitam za okvirno pola sata do sat vremena. Priča nije ono što sam očekivao. Znao sam neke detalje pre čitanja, ali ne celokupnu ideju. Ni sada se ne zna gde će priča ići, što mi se dopada. Kao što rekoh, prvi tankobon je imao dobre i loše strane, ali sam zadovoljan celokupnim utiskom. Ostavio je dosta pomešanih emocija i tu zainteresovanost za ostatkom priče. Sam kraj prvog tankobona veliki je cliffhanger, što me zainteresovalo, ali i iznerviralo. Sad treba sačekati da nabavim drugi deo, pa da se priča nastavi... Zbog svega napisanog, želim da nastavim sa čitanjem serijala. Od narednih tankobonova očekujem više, jer je ovo tek uvod u sve što nas očekuje. You can't help but think of something like Southpark while reading this since you have that same mix of adult attitudes and humor in a school setting for contrast. This is best seen in Aiko, Punpun's love interest, a gap toothed girl who talks about the end of the world due to an oil shortage, and how we have to get off the planet; until then she plans to blow all her money as a teen because the end is nigh if we don't find an interplanetary solution before she becomes an adult.

Punpun is about an innocent pigeon boy (in a class of human students) learning about the bees and the birds, life, and whatever else there is to know. How he remained so innocent in this world is anybody's guess.

The moments in Punpun’s life (a fair mix of awkward and humorous experiences) are heightened by Asano’s illustrations. His style shows such attention to detail that the final result is simply breathtaking. I adore the way he imbeds the surreal, birdlike personifications of Punpun and his family within a world that is much more true to life. The effect goes a long way towards supporting his feelings of being both and outsider and a dreamer. Overall, “Goodnight Punpun” is a game changer. I have the utmost respect for Asano as a mangaka after reading this, because it couldn’t have been easy to create. It takes a certain amount of openness and confidence in yourself to even consider breaking away from industry standards in general. To boldly lay out all those tender and perplexing things that we often goes through as we age brings that challenge to a whole new level of bravery. Inio Asano is pushing the boundaries of what manga can and should be, and for that, I salute him. This can happen from time to time in the graphic medium where the author just throws you in, I think it's a choice by the author and that the reader either sinks or swims. I prefer it when the story is easy to follow but some stories are worth the effort put in to understand and Goodnight Pun Pun is 100% worth that effort in my opinion.

Punpun Punyama is a normal elementary school kid. He has a group of friends he hangs out with, has some big dreams, is getting more curious about the world (wants to find some porn as well), and there’s a girl he’s crushing on. This is his weird, surreal, melancholy story… of the time he was in elementary school. The Initial Impression This manga has officially ruined and saved my life." is what I told my friend years ago when I finished Goodnight Punpun. I don't think I'll be able to properly convey my feelings for this story in a review today. I can write an entire essay, but it won’t be enough for me to describe how this manga changed the little fourteen year old me, and how close I keep it to my heart even now. El inicio de Buenas noches, Punpun es, como el resto de la obra, una genialidad. Asano configura a Punpun con todas las aristas que perfilan a un niño, desde el físico hasta la psicología. La idea de diseñar al protagonista con una forma tan simple como la de una especie de pollo antropomorfizado sigue fascinándome a día de hoy: no solo es una hoja en blanco sobre la que resulta sencillo proyectarse como lector; también es una maravillosa alegoría sobre el crecimiento del personaje, que todavía está lejos de alcanzar su madurez. Que el símbolo se refuerce con esa forma que recuerda a las crías de pájaro resulta todavía más astuto. The absolute best aspect of Goodnight Punpun is its fantastic, rich character work. Inio Asano is a master craftsman when it comes to his characters, making them all feel like living, breathing three-dimensional human beings. Punpun himself is the most developed of everyone in the story so far and is also easily the most memorable. He’s never shown talking — instead, Asano lets odd bits of narration express what he’s thinking or fits of body language (like nodding and shivering). The character feels relatable very early on, with him suffering from fears, worries, and problems a lot of us have had in our past: trouble at home, freaking out about changes with one’s body, experiencing love for the first time, worrying about letting people down, trying to act tough around friends despite internal problems and worries, and wondering what exactly sex is. I find a bunch of these things, personally at least, rather relatable to things from my past or things my friends brought up in grade school. this the perfect example of adults not thinking about how their actions will affect their kids. i hated punpun's mom. such a selfish human being. things certainly aren't always at it seems with the characters too.

You pity him through his demise, you might even get angry at him. Nothing seems to work out how he wants it to, and his way with dealing with it can be upsetting. Budući da nisam stručnjak što se književnosti tiče, kad o knjigama pišem uglavnom izlivam osećanja i razmišljanja koja su probudile u meni na ovom uslovno rečeno "elektronskom papiru". Drugačije ne želim. Čitanje ljubomorno čuvam samo za hobi i uživanje. Iz tih razloga čitam sve što mi se učini zanimljivim bez bojazni da će me razočarati. Ali stripovi nikad nisu bili nešto što me je privlačilo. Neću sad reći da se to promenilo jer nije. Ali da ću u budućnosti dati šansu još ponekom stripu sigurno hoću jer sad ih već posmatram drugačije. If I'm going to read and enjoy a contemporary it usually has to be something more heavy that really makes me feel some things, Asano accomplished that. Punpun is real, but he's simply not there, not like the others are. He feels, thinks, lives on a different plane of existence and perception. His interactions are apparently normal: he has schoolmates, a family, a sweetheart, his own unlikely image of God appearing time and again in moments of distress. Except that the reader never sees him talking to anybody, except through indirect speech. There's a distance between Punpun and the others that words cannot seem to cross without losing the property of sound that makes them real. He does communicate, but it's a kind of communication whose form is as incongruous as his physical presence. I wasn’t sure what to expect when I snagged an ARC of “Goodnight Punpun”. I mean, the publisher describes him as a kid whose life goals include wining the Nobel Prize, running away in the name of love, and finding porn. I knew it would either be the best thing ever, or the worst. It’s the best thing ever. I find it hard to explain exactly why I loved this so much. Nothing exceptional happens. It is a story about a regular boy, in a regular town, doing regular things. It should be boring, but it’s… magical. Inio Asano has managed to take the ordinary and transform it into one of the most honest and true depictions of adolescence that I have ever seen in a manga. All those awkward moments and learning curves that most shy away from are all there. It feels as if Asano has lain all of our childhood experiences before us. Good, bad, and ugly, everyone has been through a lot of what Punpun has, and that makes him more than just a character. He is personable and real. Punpun doesn’t read like fiction, he reads like a friend you grew up with. You will root for him. You will want this kid to make it.

Goodnight Punpun (Japanese: おやすみプンプン, Hepburn: Oyasumi Punpun) is a Japanese manga series written and illustrated by Inio Asano. En general no me considero un lector de manga. Seguir las millones de series y reediciones que salen cada poco me da cierta pereza. Sin embargo, hay contadas excepciones. Una de ellas es Inio Asano. Con el que ya he tenido más de un encuentro breve satisfactorio. After I've read this book, I couldn't help but search for books that are similar to it, so I read books created by the same author. Book after book (or manga after manga rather) I was faced with nothing but disappointment. Not a single one of those books came close to even half as good as Oyasumi Punpun. I'm a lazy man, so I'm just going to review the series as a whole, rather than try and untangle where the plot threads landed in each book. I think it's a series that should be read start to finish anyway. Kraj uopšte i nije ništa drugo do nagoveštaj sledećeg dela i mislim da ćemo tek na kraju dobiti celokupnu sliku onoga što Inio želi da poruči svetu svojom pričom.

Absolutely insane. I binge read this last summer during the beginning of a new era for myself, and since then I have not stopped thinking about PunPun. It really provoked me to think about how many different ways I could've ended up being like, and just how one certain person can dictate your life and your choices. PunPun is a result of his environment. The difficult part of this book is pondering whether or not you feel bad for him, thus forcing you to think about the choices you've made in your own life, the people you surround yourself with. So Punpun is this ghost looking creature. His whole family actually looks like these things. However, everyone in the world is normal looking humans. It's not said if everyone else sees Punpun and his family different but I doubt it since they all act normal around them. So this is mostly in Punpun's head, and let me tell you...This is not a kids story despite 90% of it being about kids. Kids go through some crazy shit. After the first chapter ends with someone ending up in the hospital we get to see Punpun's life change by meeting a girl, exploring sex stuff with his buddies, and learning about life problems getting older. Then we have the insta-love trope. Main boy, Punpun, sees a girl and immediately falls in love with her. They talk maybe twice and he's already confessing. That isn't even the first time he's fallen in love so fast, a girl told him not to snitch on her for bullying someone, and this kid somehow found that attractive. Nobody in this manga has any concept of love either, the main couple say they love each other, and then he gets excited not because someone actually loves his sorry ass, but because it means he might have sex. This book was... not what I was expecting. I've heard so so many good things about this series, but I was pretty disappointed. I will keep reading it to see if it gets better, but so far I'm not a huge fan. Recommended to pretty much everybody who's looking for a moving, first-class coming of age story. As long as you don't mind a side of straight-up weird to go along with it.

Goodnight Punpun is a masterpiece. I highly recommend this manga to everyone, unless you suffer from severe depression, because this story isn’t the happiest one out there. It does involve vivid depictions of suicide, abuse, rape, etc. It's not for the faint-hearted readers. It's a solid 5/5 for me. De nuevo, la genialidad de Asano está presente en todos los capítulos. Las fabulosas abstracciones, como esa escena de Tsubasa o Kudasai o la del hospital, siempre me pillan desprevenido, pero el autor logra que, desde el nivel más básico, la obra funcione de lujo. Que la violencia doméstica y la soledad de Punpun se traten desde diseños infantilizados provoca un contraste que muchas veces cuesta digerir, y está claro que Asano sabía a lo que iba. Además de plantar numerosas semillas que se recogerán en posteriores tomos (signo de un autor que tiene planeados varios años de su historia), cada nueva escena con Punpun cumple un propósito narrativo: moldear la persona que se encuentra tras ese pollo deformado y mostrar los pequeños cambios que ya desde pequeños afectan a la psique de cada uno de nosotros. Es cierto que en ocasiones se fuerzan un poco algunas situaciones (lo del vídeo y la fábrica sería una de esas casualidades), pero Asano logra llevarme orgánicamente de un punto a otro y permite que se lo perdone sin problemas.

The Lowdown

I first read this series when I was around 14 years old and struggling with my mental health, and in a lot of ways (as bad as that is) I reflect myself with Punpun's character. This is a manga that made me think, but most importantly, it made the my cold, empty heart feel. Yes, it made me ponder about adolescence, about youth, it made me think about identity and the complexity of people, but it made me feel so intensely for the protagonist and the characters surrounding him. I was frustrated with Punpun. His decisions and choices in life are unethical, and utterly terrible at times, but there were moments I understood these flaws made him so very pitiful, and so very human. A poignant reminder that I, along with everyone else in the world, could be exactly like Punpun at our lowest point in life. Ahora, por primera vez, me enfrento a su serie más larga (12 tomos) por lo que el miedo a la decepción está ahí, agazapado junto con las ganas de que esto salga bien. Y lo cierto es que no puedo estar más contento con este primer número de Buenas noches, Punpun. El planteamiento visual y narrativo es maravilloso. Las cotas de dureza y surrealismo humorístico se dan paso constantemente, y como lector uno nunca sabe qué pensar, qué sentimiento es el correcto ante cada escena.

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