Cards Against Anxiety: A Guidebook and Cards to Help You Stress Less

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Cards Against Anxiety: A Guidebook and Cards to Help You Stress Less

Cards Against Anxiety: A Guidebook and Cards to Help You Stress Less

RRP: £99
Price: £9.9
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The book includes an explanation of the underlying model, guidance on how to use the cards and interpretations of each individual card.

Anxiety Cards - Etsy UK

The 80 page book which is included (as a PDF download) gives detailed instructions on how to get started and includes a reference section providing interpretations, keywords and stories for each of the 26 individual cards. The 80 page instruction book includes a summary of the needs model of well-being, suggestions for different ways of using the cards personally, with individuals and with groups. All the kids I work with like the counting colours card because it is just fun and takes their anxiety straight away. Balance your Thoughts is an anxiety-relief game that can help players escape thinking traps and transform worries into balanced thoughts in a fun and engaging way.Each pack of Anxiety Freedom Cards includes a printed copy of the 80 page reference book and the “Anxiety Survival Guide”. Anxiety can affect our mind, body and behaviour, for instance we might feel tearful, get stress headaches, or start avoiding things or people that trigger anxiety. Thinking about your problem or situation from someone else's view can make it easier to come up with a plan for tackling it.

The CARD - Anxiety Canada COMFORT: The CARD - Anxiety Canada

These Gentle Hands Social Story posters are a great resource for children that need a little more guidance negotiating the social rules of the classroom. Anxiety Solutions for Kids – 50 Ways to Ride the Wave is a perfect addition to the toolkit for psychologists, counsellors, family workers, art therapists, teachers and carers seeking a fun approach to childhood wellbeing. The beauty of using cards as a tool is that they appeal to all children, are gender-neutral and support a range of learning styles and activity preferences. It includes 26 colourful and beautifully illustrated A5 sized cards which represent the “innate needs” and “innate resources” of human beings. If we’re feeling anxious about something, we might get stuck on the details and stop seeing things clearly.The set contains 20 practical activities, designed to encourage self-care, personal development, mindfulness, self-confidence and emotional awareness.

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